How education should be
SEGL students bring a diversity of values, perspectives, and experiences to our community. They are students who want to be empowered to create change; inspired to step out of their comfort zone; and prepared for wherever life may take them. They will encounter incredible opportunities in and out of the classroom, with classmates and within their program’s city.
At SEGL, students experience how education should be. Daily, they are challenged to think critically and creatively through case studies; to deeply engage with ideas - their own and those of others; and to regularly reflect on their identities and beliefs. SEGL students take advantage of the opportunity to help shape their experience, and are active leaders in and out of the classroom. The SEGL experience is dynamic, thought-provoking, and fun!
Semester schools offer a unique, immersive experience - one that provides a rigorous college preparatory academic program, and goes beyond it to challenge what students may think school is. SEGL’s model inspires students to value and cultivate lives of ethical inquiry, nurtures the leadership capacity in each student, and challenges students with hands-on, real-world opportunities to create positive change.
Program Offerings
Semester Programs
SEGL offers fall and spring semester programs in Johannesburg, South Africa; London, United Kingdom; and Washington, DC. During the academic year, SEGL students take a full course load of honors/AP-level junior year courses, in addition to participating fully in our Ethics and Leadership programming. Generally, each student takes a core schedule of English, history, math, foreign language, and science classes, in addition to the required Ethics and Leadership class. Students who choose to take Advanced Placement (AP) and/or SAT II subject tests that correspond to SEGL course offerings will be well-prepared for them, and all courses allow students to reintegrate smoothly into honors classrooms at their sending school. Course placement is determined in partnership with each sending school’s requirements.
Summer Institute
In our Summer Institute, SEGL students immerse themselves in our Ethics and Leadership curriculum, completing the full semester of coursework in the five-week program based in DC. Students visit think tanks, NGOs, and government offices; meet with DC-based leaders and experts; and enhance their public speaking, debate, and collaborative skills.
Choose your campus

SEGL in Johannesburg
Live and learn in the City of Gold, South Africa’s cultural and economic capital, alongside students from African Leadership Academy (ALA), the African continent’s premier leadership institution.

SEGL in London
Spend a semester immersing yourself in one of the world's most historic and influential cities.

SEGL in Washington, DC
Spend a semester or summer studying ethics up close in our nation's capital.