Shizuha Hatori

Shizuha Hatori


  • Director, SEGL in Johannesburg
  • Teacher


  • U.S. History
  • Ethics and Leadership


  • BA, Wesleyan University

Shizuha Hatori is Director of SEGL in Johannesburg. She is a graduate of Wesleyan University, where she studied government and gender, conducted original research New York City, studied abroad in Denmark, and earned a Freeman Asian Scholarship (a merit-based full tuition award given to one “exceptionally able” student from each of 11 Asian countries). She is an Executive Board Member of the Ryugaku Fellowship, a non-profit Japanese organization dedicated to “empowering youth and making global education more accessible to schools in Japan.” She also designs curricula, mentors students, and fundraises for the Ryugaku Fellowship. In her spare time she teaches and practices Japanese drumming.